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Some say he passed peacefully in his sleep, others insist a terrible illness overtook him in the end. Some whisper of foul-play. Some say he was secreted away or that he has been seen, wandering the wilderness, wild-eyed and quite mad.
Regardless, the old king is gone, the kingdom’s crown has lain unclaimed and unworn for too long.
Past the salt-shot, spray-soaked coast, through arcades of elm and sleeping slopes of pine, to where the last lonely road ends, in heather, spruce, ash and bone; in the loud ceaseless cities and tumbledown-towns, factions are stirring. Heirs are emerging. In this place where the stones recall and the zephyrs roam, where old ambitions are advancing and new voices are emerging, raised and resisting -
The Old King's Crown is a board game of royalty, rebels and ruses.
The game centres around low-luck strategic play, with bidding, bluffing and hand management. Featuring card combos and engine building, unique player powers and area control.
It includes four distinct factions to command, a deck of neutral cards to recruit, an innovative approach to deck management, a fully-featured solo mode and dynamic rounds that shift between simultaneous reveals and precise, tactical turns.


60 - 90 Mins

As you vie for control of the land, use both hidden and public actions.
Heralds can stake a claim on a location, granting additional influence if you seize that region, stealing vital resources from nearby rivals.
However, you may have no intention of committing to that position and they are simply a masked misdirection.
Followers manoeuvre across the map. Whether leaving the front lines to journey the Great Road or positioning themselves, in secret, in areas whose rewards best serve your strategy.
As schemes are set in motion, companies committed and hidden cards positioned, consider your opponents’ own aims and ambitions as you prepare for the clashes to come.

See whether your plans, full of agents and agendas, have come to fruition. As cards are revealed they’ll clash, strengthened by supporting pieces and plays. Assassinations, feints, ruses and powerful decrees can help carry the day.
Victory means claiming powerful rewards that in turn open up new strategic possibilities.
Send supporters journeying along the Great Road that threads the kingdom, searching for new allies, old artefacts and half-remembered sites of power. Use them to build powerful synergies and inventive strategic opportunities.
Each card in the large Kingdom Deck is unique and offers game altering abilities, allowing you to combine them in emergent ways with your faction and your position in the game.


Time moves slowly through those vast estates. It slumbers amidst the stones. It settles in drifts of dust in abandoned halls as the ivy grows. Moth-eaten glories in the gloam.
Most of the servants are gone. The long line’s time is almost at an end and only one young heir remains. Outside their gates and walls time rushes on.
However, the nobles can still recall their old power. Its locks and keys.
Now they set to kindling ancient loyalties. At night lights burn in high windows. Tithes are due. Schemes are sown. The House of Dawn and Dusk endures.
And time can wait.

Play The Nobility if you prefer a defence-focused faction. With the ability to lock off and control areas of the map, as well as using their wealth to secure assets from across the kingdom, they provide a foundation of stone from which to influence and claim the court.

A flurry of early snows whirl in the wind. The sudden sound of singing. The people of the waves, of the wild margins at the edge of the kingdom are on the move. At the head of this migration is a woman, an heir of exiles, carrying a great accord, inked by all the many clans, each pledged to her cause.
Her fleet approaches. Bright boats, full of spears and means enough to start anew. She recalls the endless tyrannies, tithes and bloody obligations the Crown once imposed.
She brings with her new terms of treaty: kneel and know peace.

Play The Clans if you like the idea of being the strongest in any given clash. Tenacious and overwhelming, coupled with the ability to gain footholds across the land with each successful raid. They pillage resources whilst denying their rivals any rewards.

The hour is fast approaching.
In code and whispers the message moves. The word works its way through winding streets and cloistered corridors of rule.
The many are mobilising, galvanised and gearing for change. Unioned in a common cause, to end the old ways.
Lanterns are lit, symbols drawn as the safehouses fill. Subterfuge, literature and networks of resistance are the tools of change.
From all corners of the kingdom it will ring - over the docks and steepled stacks, academies, thatched downs and houses of power in mourning -
“Let the uprising begin.”

Play The Uprising if you enjoy creating opportunities through card manipulation and control. Recruit a large number of supporters and pick the perfect time to act with spies and plots, thinning the ranks of rival captains and commanders, in a series of sudden strikes.

There once was a princess who watched the sky at night, for that’s when it came alive. In a tall tower, swaying like a fir, head turned towards distant points of life.
The years went by, she barely left those trembling heights. Dreaming the same dream; an endless vault of trees, dark but full of lights.
Across the kingdom people began to disappear. They say you could see their masked figures wandering the blue hour before sleep.
Now, the princess’ tower lies empty and the forests are full. She stands among them and when she turns her head they all turn with her, up towards the shape in the night.

Play The Gathering if you enjoy growing in reach over time. As the game goes on you’ll be able to slowly sap opponents’ pools of followers and influence, whilst sacrificing your own to complete strange rituals that grant unrivalled access to new sources of power.
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If you have any questions regarding the game: whether it's the about the rules, the latest development builds, where to play matches with other players online, press inquiries or any other topics related to the game, please feel free to reach us through any of the available contacts. We look forward to hearing from you!